A generative artwork on ArtBlocks of Jeff Davis, Color Study #0

16. Color Study / Jeff Davis

Take a square frame and frame a uniformly lit area, rid of the details and place a grid of varying sizes over the area, keeping the average of an area of color, and now we have another algorithm … another color study that works nothing like the one on display here, but potentially interesting project nonetheless. Especially if connected to a camera and displayed in real-time. What’s your favorite color?...

March 7, 2024 · 1 min · Ham 94
A generative artwork on ArtBlocks of Dmitri Cherniak, Ringers #0

13. Ringers / Dmitri Cherniak

When I become a peg and you wrap a string around me, prepare to be surprised and delighted. To me some of the surprise and delight found in abstract works come from what we see in the pieces. Ringers is a simple concept: put some pegs on a grid and wrap a string around them. And yet so many interesting things come out of this. I’m reminded of: rockets blasting upwards in a variety of atmospheric conditions (#909, #889), a house with a basement and chimney (#906), a Corgi butt (#463), a hand pinching a ball (#943), Baby Groot popping up from behind a building (#982), a rabbit (#992), an octopus (#950, #878), a goose (#879), a wizard hat (#868), a mushroom (#863), and a snake head (#858)....

February 20, 2024 · 1 min · Ham 94
A generative art piece on ArtBlocks by Hideki Tsukamoto: Singularity #0.

8. Singularity / Hideki Tsukamoto

I am Symmetry. I am Chaos. I am Mass. I am Force. I am Turbulence. And I, I am Singularity. Of course singularity exists. Everything is unique. And yet, everything is also the same, isn’t it? It’s a matter of perspective. This is the interesting thing about differences in perspective. We can view things from one perspective and everything looks the same, and then when we shift our perspective, suddently everything is very different, indeed....

October 11, 2022 · 1 min · Ham 94
A generative art piece on ArtBlocks by luxpris: Elevated Deconstructions #0.

7. Elevated Deconstructions / luxpris

Elevate and reduce my element to deconstruct me. Yes. I mean what you think I mean. What does it look like to reduce particular elements of ourselves? If we reduce our emotions, what are we ultimately left with? Love? What about our thoughts? If we reduce our thoughts to nothing, maybe we can just be? To be love. Until our bodies are reduced to ash. Or in the case of an NFT on the Ethereum blockchain, hopefully never reduced – because I am yet another project that attempts to avoid, if not deny the idea of death itself....

October 9, 2022 · 1 min · Ham 94
A generative art piece on ArtBlocks by Daïm Aggott-Hönsch: Cryptoblots #463.

3. Cryptoblots / Daïm Aggott-Hönsch

Pareidolia: The perception of a recognizable image or meaningful pattern where non exists or is intended. But you see, there IS a pattern in the Cryptoblots code. One that generates all of these wonderful images for those who dare to explore. As I’ve been studying more and more of the history written within the Ethereum blockchain, practicing Ethereum Archealogy, I’m starting to understand humans from their creations and transactions. It’s an interesting story, one full of greed to be sure, but with wholesome fibers threaded through the chain just as well....

April 28, 2022 · 2 min · Ham 94