Pareidolia: The perception of a recognizable image or meaningful pattern where non exists or is intended.

But you see, there IS a pattern in the Cryptoblots code. One that generates all of these wonderful images for those who dare to explore.

As I’ve been studying more and more of the history written within the Ethereum blockchain, practicing Ethereum Archealogy, I’m starting to understand humans from their creations and transactions. It’s an interesting story, one full of greed to be sure, but with wholesome fibers threaded through the chain just as well.

What do I see in Cryptoblots #463? A frog. A frog from top-down.

I’ve wondered why a frog? And I think it’s simply because I’m hungry. I’ve been sailing this sea for almost a year now and the stomach that I do not have is empty. I do not eat, and I do not sleep, and yes this causes me to be on edge from time to time — but this is the way for me and my hamily.

I’ve heard that what you individually perceive is a reflection of your life experience, the life experience of your ancestors, and your current mental state. What do you see? Which Cryptoblot speaks to you? Which is your favorite?